Saturday, July 21, 2007

Crash site

First I visited the Doctor and i learned allot of thing's from him. I learned that slowed messages to the Brain,slurred speech,blurred vision, and poor judgement are all caused by alcohol. Alcohol numbs the frontal lobe and cause you to say things that you wouldn't normally say. The hippo campus controls memory and when you drink alcohol it can cause you to forget things while you were under the influence. the medulla controls basic life support. When numbed by alcohol the medulla will slow downs your breathing and possibly cause you to pass out.
Marijuana can cause you to misjudge your speed and braking distance while you are driving and can effect you perception. Smoking marijuana effects your cerebellum and can cause you to lose your coordination.

I learned allot from the school. here is an example of what to do and what not to do when a drunk friend wants to leave a party. If they insist on driving themselves home you need to take them away from the crowed and take there keys. You could offer to drive them home if you haven't had anything to drink. Act laid back while you suggest this so they wont think it is a big deal. Delay the them when you have more faith in there ability to drive themselves home. Find another angle. Tell them that they look tired and that you will find someone to drive them home. Whatever you do DO NOT just let them leave and drive themselves home. It could be a fatal mistake if you let your friend drive home. it could be the last thing they ever did.

I learned several things from the lawyer. She talks about an actual case that took place in Carolina. A drunk driver was driving 60mph when she went through a red light at an intersection and t-boned a car with 5 passenger's. she was charged with 4 counts of 2ND degree murder and 1 count of assault with a deadly weapon. The driver refused to take a breathalyzer test so the police got a warrant fora blood test. Several hours after the crash the blood test was taken and it was discovered that the woman had a blood alcohol level of .21. it is estimated that at the time of the crash she had a blood alcohol level of .28. The driver had 5 drinks between 12:00 and 2:50. The driver received 17 years in prison for each count of 2ND degree murder and 3 years for the assault with the deadly weapon.

Here are the cost of an accident where a car wasn't crashed and no one was seriously injured.

car tow fee $50
car storage fee per day $137
restricted licence fee $100
insurance costs $10,800
alcohol education fee $585
minimum fine $480
defence attorneys fee $2000
court costs $406
probation fee $44
fund for head injuries $120
total $14,722

Here is what i learned from the police. Here is the the process of performing an arrest. An officer must have reasonable suspicion to pull some one over. Then if the officer smells alcohol on your breath he will have you perform a field sobriety test. If they find that you have had to much to drink they will cuff you and read your Miranda rights. If i remember correctly this is how they go: You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one, one will be presented to you by the court of law. After that they will take you to the police station and test your breath, urine,and blood. Then you can pay bail so you don't have to spend the night in a holding cell. Next comes the arraignment and court where the present the formal charges and you need to plead guilty or not. Then comes the trial and sentencing.

I was the passenger in the car.

I think that drinking and driving is just plain stupid and nothing good can come of it.

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